Steven Parker

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Steven is a Ph.D. student in Dr. Adam Wax's  BIOS Lab. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Virginia Tech with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering as a Photonics Major. His undergraduate research focused on medical applications of functional polymer micro-fibers.

At Duke, he currently researches combined quantitative phase microscopy and FRET imaging. In particular, we seek to further the understanding of how the modulation of cellular ion dynamics affects cell processes and sub-cellular structures. With verification through FRET, we aim to expand QPMs abilities as a multifaceted technique for classifying cell characteristics and identifying disease states.

Appointments and Affiliations

  • Student

Contact Information

  • Email Address:

Representative Publications

  • Yu, L; Parker, S; Xuan, H; Zhang, Y; Jiang, S; Tousi, M; Manteghi, M; Wang, A; Jia, X, Flexible Multi‐Material Fibers for Distributed Pressure and Temperature Sensing, Advanced Functional Materials, vol 30 no. 9 (2020), pp. 1908915-1908915 [10.1002/adfm.201908915] [abs].

Affiliated Research